Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"Care," a poem by Craig Santos Perez

Okay, y'all. This next poem isn't exactly about climate change, although it's likely that climate change played a role in the violence in Syria that led to the vast numbers of refugees needing to get out. If you're interested in those connections, here's a brief story about climate change and the refugee crisis.

What's great about this poem, though, is how it connects the speaker's life in Hawai'i to the experiences of the Syrian refugees even though he has no personal connection. Also, Craig Santos Perez is a super-important poet writing about global issues of empire, violence, colonialism, and the love that struggles against all that.

It's also the second poem (2 of 2!) I'm posting here spoken by a parent to her or his young child. Hm. I seem to have a bit of a bias here. Nothing to do with my own status as a parent of young children.

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